Order Online for Dine-In Service!

To help expedite service and provide a relatively touch-free experience, we are not offering table-side service at this time and ask that you place your orders online using the step-by-step instructions outlined below, paying particular attention to Step 9:

  1. Select the appropriate Location Order button below to visit our online ordering service. Click here for Grand Haven ordering.  Click Here for Grand Rapids ordering
  2. Choose from available Dine-In Cocktails, Appetizers, Sandwiches, Sides, Sodas and Kids Items clearly designated with “For Here!” after each item. 
  3. Select a quantity, then “Add to Cart” for each item.
  4. Continue “shopping” until your Cart is satisfactorily filled. Then click “Check Out”.
  5. Upon entering the Check Out screen, input your Personal Information. Click “Next”.
  6.  Leave “Pickup Time” at “As soon as possible”. Click “Next”.
  7. Enter Payment Information. Click “Next”.
  8. For faster future checkout, check the “Save my information…” box in the Review Order section.
  9. IMPORTANT: In the optional “Note to Seller” box during the “Review & Submit Order” step, please input your table number. This is how we know where to deliver your food and drinks!
  10. Click “Complete Order”. That’s it! Now sit back, relax and we’ll run your cocktails and food to your table as quickly as possible!

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